It’s time to get fired up about membership renewals! Easier membership renewals happen when members see your association as more… READ MORE>

This is the fourth of a four-part series about how to market your association’s events in 2024. If you’ve followed… READ MORE>

Events are alive and well, says a new survey of event producers, convention center executives, and attendees—though you can expect… READ MORE>

As experts debate whether we are headed towards a recession, you can improve your business in case we enter one.… READ MORE>

No one can agree if we are in a recession, but association members are already behaving as if we are.… READ MORE>

Giving people individualized attention is hard to do, and there is no “golden ticket” that will instantly improve your numbers.… READ MORE>

What to say visually and when to say it to reach your association’s membership and retention goals These days, the… READ MORE>

Why we’re starting a working group to help associations answer the tough questions about this year and beyond For months,… READ MORE>

If you’re feeling the financial squeeze from cancelled or postponed events, buckle up. There’s more pain ahead as a recession… READ MORE>

Learn From Others' Misconceptions so your Association can Thrive

5 Recession Myths that Hurt Your Association

Rumblings of the next global recession make headlines almost daily. If the predictions are true, associations could be headed for… READ MORE>

6 Ways to Help your Association Thrive

Part 4: Prospecting

This is the fourth post in our series 6 Ways to Help Your Association Thrive. Before launching your prospecting campaigns,… READ MORE>

6 Ways to Help your Association Thrive

Part 3: Marketing Assets


6 Ways to Help your Association Thrive

Part 2: The Plan


6 Ways to Help your Association Thrive

Part 1: The Cause


I recently attended a fantastic retirement party for my old friend Ben. Every detail was perfect—the beautiful venue, gourmet food,… READ MORE>

I recently made the mistake of feeding a stray cat at the office. Now it comes back every day expecting… READ MORE>

Does your campaign include all 3 essential elements to engage your audience?

Marketing Essentials Self-Checklist

When I got my first manual camera, all my pictures came out blurry or dark. It took me a while… READ MORE>

On the weekends, you can find me at the beach with my standup paddleboard. I love everything about the sport.… READ MORE>

4 Steps to Heal your Brand Breaks to Drive Membership and Non-Dues Revenues

Why you need a consistent brand story


Engage your Audience with Holistic Digital Marketing

6 Ways to Reach Your Marketing Goals in Uncertain Times


Learn How This Connection Influences you Marketing Strategy

How Brand and Culture are Connected

Do you have a solid marketing strategy? That’s a great start. But is your strategy aligned with a strong internal… READ MORE>

Despite what you might have heard about the “selfie generation,” millennials are a powerful force eager to throw their passion… READ MORE>

If you’re like most professional organizations, you put on your professional hat when you get to the office every day.… READ MORE>

How to Maximize your Outcomes and Budget

Holistic Digital Marketing Part 1: Strategy

Digital marketing offers endless possibilities to get your messages in front of members and prospects. It’s tempting to jump on… READ MORE>

Why You Should Market Holistically for Long-Term Sustainability

What is Holistic Marketing?


So you Can Make Smart Decisions to Reach your Goals

12 Marketing KPIs Every Association Should Measure


How to Track Ket Metrics to Make Better Strategic Decisions

Key Performance Indicators for Event Marketers

Do you know if your event marketing is working?Which promotions were the most successful?Is your association reaching attendance, member acquisition,… READ MORE>

How to Move People from Prospects to Attendees, Members, and Ambassadors

Member journeys in the digital marketing world


Strategic Event Marketing is About Inspiring and Connecting Potential Attendees

4 Pillars of Event Marketing to Fuel Attendance and Engagement


In a world of content overload, motion graphics cut through the clutter with bite-sized content that grabs attention, evokes emotions,… READ MORE>

Navigating digital advertising platforms can be confusing and expensive. You might end up spending a lot of money and getting… READ MORE>

Remove Common Barriers to Event Attendance and Engagement

How to overcome event marketing challenges

Attract younger members. Encourage repeat event attendance. Build passion and engagement among members. Change more lives. Every member organization faces… READ MORE>

Drive Attendance and Engagement Using a Time-Testing Technique

Why event marketers need more storytelling


Insights to Help you Bridge the Gap Between What you Want and What you Have

How Organizations Drive Membership and Attendance


You Know your Event has Value, But Can you Prove It?

How to fuel attendance and engagement with an ROI Toolkit


Prove the ROI of Attending your Event to Drive Attendance and Engagement over the Long Term

Why Your Event Needs a Value Proposition

Let’s face it. Attending your event is expensive. There’s travel, lodging, and registration costs plus time away from the office.… READ MORE>

7 Strategies for Improved Engagement and 7 Bonus Tips

How to Use Engagement Marketing in Your Emails to Drive Event Attendance


A Plan for Starting or Overhauling Event Marketing that Drives Attendance and Engagement

Engagement 101


Meet Christopher Connectus, one of the profiles you might see after you take the Rottman Creative Engagement Assessment. Like the… READ MORE>

How to Connect the Dots Between Messaging, Members, and the Buying Cycle.

Get the Marketing Superpowers to Engage Your Members


How to Measure Engagement to Improve your Events and your organization

Are your members engaged?


After the Assessment: Next steps to improve your marketing You found out how your organization ranks when it comes to… READ MORE>

Why you Need to Measure your Level of Inspiration

Inspiration Assessment Drives Member Engagement and Attendance


How to Gain and Retain Millennials for Your Organization

What Inspires Millennials?


Forge Connections to Further Your Mission and Sustain Your Organization

How to Create High-Quality Connections


How to Build Loyalty, Drive Event Attendance, and Further Your Mission

Motivation vs. Inspiration

The words motivation and inspiration are often used interchangeably to mean “something that makes someone want to do something,” (seriously,… READ MORE>


Triggers, Targets, and Inspired Journeys in Event Marketing


Generate Specific Actions Through Inspiration

Mastering Triggers and Targets in Your Event Marketing


Triggers and Targets

How to Inspire your Members to Act

A practical guide to manifesting inspiration through triggers and targets A cartoon from the New Yorker a few years back… READ MORE>

How to Cut Through the Babble Instead of Becoming Part of It Walk down the cereal aisle in any grocery… READ MORE>

We’ve talked about the endless loop of connectivity and inspiration that draws members to your organization and fuels your life-changing… READ MORE>

Storyteller Wins $1 Million Ted Prize Every year, the folks at TED Talks award a $1 million TED Prize to… READ MORE>

Storytelling is big buzzword in marketing these days, but as recent research is proving, it’s no passing fad. Storytelling is… READ MORE>

How to Engage all the Senses to Reach Audiences Emotionally “Ignore neuroscience at your 2015 marketing campaign’s peril,” says a… READ MORE>

As you look around the room at your annual conference, there’s a good chance you’re seeing more and more gray… READ MORE>

Only the right picture is worth a thousand words. A great image can do a lot for your organization. It… READ MORE>

Sometimes social media is like the people who stand in public parks with a soap box and a bull horn.… READ MORE>

So you want to start using storytelling to inspire your base and your team. Now what? How do you get… READ MORE>

Part of your job as storyteller and storymaker is to create meaningful connections with and among your base. A third… READ MORE>

Four strategies to inspire your base with original storytelling According to author Christopher Booker, there have only ever been seven… READ MORE>

LET’S BE BRIEF For Sale: baby shoes, never worn. There you have it, a story in six words. Who is… READ MORE>

We talked previously about Freytag’s Universal Storytelling Structure and how you can use it to connect with your base and… READ MORE>

WHY YOU CAN’T IGNORE EMOTION IN MARKETING Of course logic matters. Logic is why you spend hours developing a polished… READ MORE>

SHOW DON’T TELL: MARKETING WITH STRATEGIC STORYTELLING Storytelling is a craft as old as humankind. It long predates the written… READ MORE>

What Facebook has on its side is mass appeal. But more and more, that appeal isn’t coming for free as… READ MORE>

Let’s start with an idea that you know is true, but may stress you out to think about nonetheless. It’s… READ MORE>

“A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea.… READ MORE>

We Want To See You Be Brave:



We Want To See You Be Brave:



We Want To See You Be Brave:


We may be the busiest, most distracted species on the planet. But strip away our phones, our houses, and our… READ MORE>

We Want To See You Be Brave:



The Anatomy of Inspiration:



The Anatomy of Inspiration:


Content: The BELLY Your content is the BELLY. It’s the day-to-day fuel. It’s where inspiration is nourished. If you know… READ MORE>

The Anatomy of Inspiration:



The Anatomy of Inspiration:



Archetype Based Branding:

The Patriarch

THE PATRIARCH: The Language of Protection and Duty One last example is from work we are currently in the middle… READ MORE>

Fourth Think more critically about the content of your magazine. We know from reading surveys that an association’s magazine is… READ MORE>

All too often we tend to focus on a “quantitative approach” when preparing for an upcoming conference- How many of… READ MORE>

5. Keep emails mobile friendly. People tend to read about half of their emails. And of the ones they do… READ MORE>

Get the frequency right. You can structure your email marketing campaign one of two ways. Either start marketing via email… READ MORE>

3. Speak in a voice that will make members listen. One of the things we specialize in is helping associations… READ MORE>

We believe that a marketing plan is a schedule of strategic activities that will guide behavior. We will achieve conference… READ MORE>

We should use social networking to reach out to attendees. We will learn new ways of communicating through social networking… READ MORE>

6 steps to Inspiring your base to act.

Step 6 of 6: Work with the timing


6 steps to Inspiring your base to act.

Step 5 of 6: Leverage your offers


6 steps to Inspiring your base to act.

Step 4 of 6: Develop your voice


It’s the month for taking stock. For raising your glass, and taking your turn sharing what you’re thankful for. Around… READ MORE>

We never get tired of the way Apple introduces new products. They manage to build excitement for the same product,… READ MORE>

We propose a Golden Triangle of Conference Marketing: WHY is in the center. And your Brand is at the top,… READ MORE>

Let’s face it; design matters. Marty Neumeier, the Director of Transformation for Liquid Agency states that “the most innovative designers… READ MORE>

In the winter of 1971, a guy by the name of Ray Tomlinson did something really ordinary that would, in… READ MORE>

You’re an athlete in the arena of event marketing. What skills will you see? We admit it: we are raving… READ MORE>

Isn’t it lovely that we live in a society where no one judges anything by appearance? Where things like book… READ MORE>

Earlier this week Twitter officially launched Promoted Accounts, which is a new way to help brands gain more followers. The… READ MORE>

Follow the Golden Rules for golden results Remember the golden days when organizations had unrestricted budgets for sending employees away… READ MORE>

Recently we had the chance to hear Kyle Cooper speak about motion graphics. Kyle has been named one of Fast… READ MORE>

As designers, we appreciate the power of white space. It gives artwork impact, makes text readable, and invites the viewer… READ MORE>

Getting sick of hearing about social media this and social media that? If the results of the 2010 Social Media… READ MORE>

One thing that most of your members, conference attendees and website visitors have in common is that they want to… READ MORE>

There are many ways to communicate with your potential conference attendees that it’s very easy for the information being communicated… READ MORE>

For some time now Facebook users have been able to tag each other in photos, videos and notes. Well, now… READ MORE>

A Field Guide to the Millennials. They first heard your name briefly mentioned in one of their college classes as… READ MORE>