Sharing Tweets through TwitterFountain

Sharing Tweets through TwitterFountain

You may remember a few months ago in an edition of WhiteSpace we shared with you the Top 5 Reasons You Should Twitter Your Annual Meeting:

  • Keep non-attendees informed on conference happenings.
  • Keep attendees better informed about the day’s schedule.
  • See the conference from a different perspective.
  • Inspire non-attendees to attend next year.
  • Stay connected to members.

(If you don’t remember, or you’re a new reader check out our newsletter.)

Now we’ve found a very cool, and easy-to-use tool for sharing all of those tweets. TwitterFountain is a Twitter application that pulls together tweets that contain a chosen keyword or hashtag. It also pulls in images from Flickr with a chosen tag.

If we ditch the geek-speak, this means you can have a constantly updating application on your website or blog that shows all tweets and Flickr images related to a certain topic….such as your annual conference.

Here is a TwitterFountain we quickly set up to show tweets containing the phrase “charitytuesday”, and Flickr images tagged “conference attendees”:

In just a few minutes we’ve created a communication tool with real-time updates. Imagine how useful (and fun) this could be for your annual conference.

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