Let’s start with an idea that you know is true, but may stress you out to think about nonetheless. It’s this:
Social media is a powerful marketing tool for your event.
If you’ve read anything about social media, heard any story about it on the radio, or generally not been living under a rock, inside a cave, or on a deserted island, you know this is true.
But we’re beyond it being true. What we want to address is the “powerful” part. Because that’s where we have something to add to the conversation—something we see that many organizations still aren’t grasping.
Social media isn’t powerful just because it’s a giant microphone. The power doesn’t even come from the fact that these are billion dollar platforms with social reach unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. It’s not the platforms themselves that are the source of the power.
The source of the power comes from the inherent desire baked into all forms of social media, and that is the desire for human connection.
That’s why social media has taken off: because people inherently want to connect to other people. If you can work social media through the lens of connection, it will feel more natural, take on a stronger purpose, and ultimately, be a lot more fun for your association.
In case you’re not sold yet, here’s one more truth: there are too many options and ways to spend time today. The existence of your association is not nearly enough. It won’t survive or thrive if it’s not a vehicle for connecting people.
In fact, if you want to be sustainable for the future, you need a system that doesn’t just help you connect with people, but also helps empower those people to reach out and keep making more connections.
How handy that social media exists. Honestly, it came right in time for your organization.
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