Idea 4 of 6 for Improving Your Email Open Rates

Idea 4 of 6 for Improving Your Email Open Rates

4. Be deliberate in your timing.

People read more emails in the morning than the afternoon, and the earlier, the better.

The best open rate is actually between 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Monday and Friday are terrible days to send emails (Monday is the highest “unsubscribe” day). Tuesday is slightly better; Wednesday and Thursday have shown to be best.

Do you have to be a slave to what the stats say? Of course not—especially if you know your members very well. But it’s definitely good to understand the trends.

We hope you find these tips inspiring for your next conference, and until next time keep a look out for clue #28!

The Lone Marketer

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