Benefits That Have Helped Associations Meet Conference Attendance Goals

Benefits That Have Helped Associations Meet Conference Attendance Goals

Our most recent edition of White Space covered positioning annual conferences for greater attendance. One of the topics we touched on was the importance of identifying your niche market, what they desire and then showing them how you can meet their needs. Association executives have tried various creative ways to promote benefits, some have worked, and others didn’t produce a satisfying ROI.

Here’s a list of pricing tactics that have been working for associations so far this year:
  1. Offering quarterly dues payment
  2. Promoting a “dues relief” program
  3. Discounting registration rates to their annual meeting
  4. “Two for one” dues payments
  5. Local resident discounts to the annual meeting
  6. Increasing travel grants for members to attend conferences
  7. Providing free conference registration when attendees pay travel expenses and stay at HQ hotels
  8. Offering conference attendees a payment plan

Each of these benefits will appeal to a specific group of potential attendees, and of course, when it comes to pricing you are appealing to something that they care about.

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