
Your messaging needs a day stopper, something so powerful it makes your audience stop what they’re doing, pay attention, and take action. The tired old refrain of “networking, education, and certification” just doesn’t pack enough punch in today’s busy world. A better strategy is to focus on business benefits.

Business Language is Better

Sure, people love your cause, your community, and the way you change lives for the better. But things like profit, strategy, M&A, growth, expansion, and competitive advantage are what keep them up at night—especially in a tough economy. If your marketing messages are missing this concrete business language, chances are you’re missing out on members, event attendees, and…well…revenues. See what we did there?

How to Develop Business Messaging

Use this questionnaire to evaluate your association’s resources and position them in terms of business benefits to your audience. The answers to these questions should show that your association is invaluable to the success of your members’ businesses. Ideally, they should also show just how much of a return on investment your members and event attendees get from engaging with your organization.

For each question, list specific resources, tools, services, and events that propel your audience toward growth and financial well-being. Do NOT list networking, education, or certification.

  1. How does your association alleviate economic challenges for your members?
  2. How do you save members from making costly mistakes?
  3. How do you help members increase market share?
  4. How do you help members grow and expand?
  5. How might your organization help members reverse a decline in revenue?
  6. List your top 3 most valuable resources. Then explain how each of these helps members drive profits.

The Things That Matter

An important takeaway is that people will always make time for things that matter. And quite often, money matters. Beyond that, you also need a human element to get attention and engage your base. Company leaders want their businesses to be successful. This is their baby and they will go above and beyond to see it thrive. Potential day stoppers you can use to tap into the human side of business include security, passion, ambition, status, prestige, pride, fear, anger, and many more. Here are a few emotionally compelling examples with a human element:

Security: Be confident you won’t have to lay off staff.

Passion: Do more good, change more lives.

Ambition: Be seen as the leader in your industry.

Anger: Legislators are making it harder for you to do business.

The Killer Combo

Any association can advertise networking, education, and certification. But if you want to gain a competitive advantage, attract more members, and boost revenues—all in support of your mission and cause—you’ll need a killer combination: business benefits plus compelling emotional appeals.

Rottman Creative can help you find and leverage your day stoppers to engage more members and prospects.

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