2. Don’t be afraid to send more emails (if they are good emails).
Associations are sometimes leery of sending too many emails, feeling like they are “bothering” members.
We have two challenges to this notion. First, the data doesn’t support it. It shows that the rate of unsubscriptions is the same whether or not you only send one monthly email or two to three emails a week.
That’s why we recommend two branded conference emails a week.
And then, bundle all of your other association updates into one weekly digest.
The second reason we challenge this idea of “bothering” is that you are in the business of changing lives (as we talked about Conference Marketing in 2013: The Space You Don’t See). You can’t change people’s lives if you don’t communicate with them. But you also won’t change their lives with bad emails. Send smart, well-designed, inspiring emails about your conference on a regular basis, and lives will be changed.
We hope you find these tips inspiring for your next conference, and until next time keep a look out for clue #26!
The Lone Marketer
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